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Setting Time >> ASTM setting time device

ASTM setting time device
Código: OD77n

Used to test the initial and final setting times of dental materials such as plaster and cements.

Technical features:

  • It has a Gillmore needle with a tip and weight following the guidelines of the ISO/ASTM standard
  • It complies with the device format laid down in ASTM C266, including two needles for initial and final measurements
  • Includes: OMT177 setting time matrix


Load and tip options:

  • Initial 100 g - Tips 1 and 2,1 mm Final load 453g
  • Initial 113 g - 1 and 2,1 mm tips Final load 453g
  • Initial 100 g - Tips 1 and 2,0 mm Final load 400g


  • Loads and tip sizes can be custom-made. Please contact us. 
  • Complies with standards: ISO 3107, ISO 6876, ISO 9917 and ASTM C266
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