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Bending >> Device for bending floating roller

Device for bending floating roller
Código: OD76

Used for 3 or 4-point bending tests on ceramic materials in accordance with ISO standard specifications.

A device that is easy to assemble and adjust, made entirely of stainless steel.

Linear scales help adjust the distance between supports.

Adaptable to any universal testing machine.

The bending device has stainless steel rollers.

The rollers are placed on the bases and secured by elastic bands which allow them to be replaced if they are damaged during the test.

Available versions:

  • OD76st: 3/4 point bending ROL 2 mm FLOATING – STAINLESS STEEL
  • OD76s: 3-point bending ROL 2 mm FLOATING – STAINLESS STEEL
  • OD76b: 3/4 point bending ROL 2 mm FLOATING - anodized aluminum
  • OD76: 3-point bending ROL 2 mm FLOATING - anodized aluminum
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