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Devices >> Multipurpose test device

Multipurpose test device
Código: OD70

Multipurpose platform for carrying out mechanical tests on dental materials such as resins, adhesives, intraradicular pins, restored teeth, and others.

It has a base with XY axis adjustment to make it easier to align the actuators with the sample. On this base, a table with adjustment between 0º and 90º accommodates different secondary devices used for different tests.

Perform push-out tests with the same platform:

  • Push-out
  • Micro shear
  • Pure shear
  • 45º shear
  • 90º shear
  • Fracture 
  • Shear on brackets


Technical features:

  • Made of aluminum and stainless steel, this is a cost-effective tool for those setting up their laboratory and starting their research work, since the same platform includes six different devices. 
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