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Devices >> Device for Imaging and Measuring Interface Gaps

Device for Imaging and Measuring Interface Gaps
Código: OD135EM

Device for imaging and measuring gaps at the interface between cavity preparations and indirect dental restorative materials

It can be attached to different equipment with an image capture system, such as microdurometers, optical microscopes and laser confocal microscopes, among others, which will allow researchers to accurately assess gaps formed at the interface between teeth with full-crown preparations and ceramic crowns, an important aspect in assessing the behavior of indirect restorative materials and techniques.

It also allows the observation of eventual gaps, cracks and other imperfections formed during the processing of different restorative materials.

Technical features:

  • Manufacturing material: aluminum and stainless steel
  • Support for samples (25 mm)
  • Graduated scale to rotate the sample on its own axis
  • Load application system with dynamometer-type adjustment
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