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Microtensile >> Sample Removal Device - Microtensile

Sample Removal Device - Microtensile
Código: OD40

In traditional microtensile tests, specimens are glued to the clamps for subsequent traction on the device.

After fracturing, these specimens are bonded and need to be removed safely while at the same time not having their surface damaged, allowing studies and image analysis to be carried out.

The OD40b removal device was developed with the aim of helping researchers to remove specimens from the clamps with practicality, speed, safety and without damaging the clamps, increasing their lifespan.

With this device, the user can remove specimens using the lever principle. By positioning the clamp in a special compartment, the researcher can multiply the glue removal force, reaching up to 200 Kgf. This force removes the glue and the specimen (without damage) from the clamp and cleans it.

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